TwitchLib support for points redemption.Twitch popout with BTTV and FFZ emotes support - PR by: Twitch popout will keep your login session - PR by: and Usage.jChat support (this allows BetterTTV, FrankerFaceZ and 7TV emotes).
CefSharp (Chromium) and Newtonsoft updated to latest versions. Fix for crash when adding a widget with a long URL. Added a setting to allow multiple instances. To hide the borders, just click the button in the top-right, or right-click the icon in your taskbar. You can move the application by clicking and dragging the thin black border at top, and you can resize it by clicking and dragging on any part of the border. You can click the button at the top-left to open settings, right-click the black border at top, right-click the icon in the taskbar, or use the tray icon After launching the program for the first time, you'll need to set your twitch channel in the settings. You'll only have to do this the first time you launch it. You'll need to click "More info" and then "Run anyway". "Windows protected your PC" message may appear which is the Windows Defender Smart Screen. STREAMLABS OVERLAY OBS INSTALL
You can download the Installer now to make it easier to install the program and it will automatically install the required dependencies (VC++ runtimes).
Can't login to the popout Twitch, this is caused by Twitch blocking login for unsupported browsers.Jump lists no longer work if you allow multiple instances (it just launches another instance).Automatically checks for updates on start (Can be disabled in settings).Filtering: can add usernames to a block list now.