Remove Xbox: wipe Xbox Apps, disable Services related to Xbox and GameBar/GameDVR.Remove OneDrive: completely removes OneDrive from the System, re-install is possible via Win Store.Remove Microsoft Edge: uninstalls Microsoft Edge/WebView, then remove the remaining files.Undo Tweaks: Re-apply some tweaks and Revert all possible ones, covering the, ShutUp10 settings, Scheduled Tasks, Services, Privacy and Performance, Personal and Optional Features tweaks, then try to Reinstall Pre-Installed Apps.Apply Tweaks: Run every Common Tweak scripts ( Go To ☑️ Common Script Features section).Enable/Disable Xbox Game Bar/DVR/Mode: Manages the Xbox Game Bar/DVR/Mode setting, that can open Game Bar anywhere, record clips from games and change Game Mode.

#W10privacy 2 windows#
Enable/Disable WSearch Service: Manages the Windows Search Service setting.Enable/Disable Telemetry: Manages the Windows Telemetry Level setting.Enable/Disable Search App for Unknown Ext.: When running a unknown extension file, be able to search through MS Store for an App that can open it.Enable/Disable Photo Viewer: Enables or Disables the old Photo Viewer (Win 7/8.1).Enable/Disable Phone Link: Manages the Phone Link setting, which can link your Android/iPhone devices notifications to Windows.Enable/Disable Online Speech Recognition: Manages the Online Speech Recognition setting, by pressing the keys Windows + H you can speak through your mic, then use it to type text using your voice.Enable/Disable Old Volume Control: Manages the Old Volume Control (Win 7/8.1) setting.Enable/Disable Hibernate: Manages the Hibernate setting.Enable/Disable Cortana: Manages the Cortana setting.Enable/Disable Clipboard Sync Across Devices: Manages the Clipboard Sync Across Devices setting, which allows to use the same clipboard for multiple devices (must be using a MS account).Enable/Disable Clipboard History: Manages the Clipboard History setting, that keeps a history from your clipboard pressing Windows + V key.Enable/Disable Background Apps: Manages ALL the Background Apps settings.Enable/Disable Activity History: Manages the Activity History setting.Enable/Disable Dark Theme: Apply Dark Theme or Light Theme on Windows.✅ GUI Script Features Click to expand System Tweaks Customize System Features ( Can be found here) Disable obsolete Windows optional features and enable some that might help.Help improve the Security of Windows while maintaining performance.Apply General Personalization tweaks via Registry and PowerShell commands.Optimize Performance by changing away from default settings that slowdowns the system, utilizing PowerShell commands and changing registries to disable features.Optimize Privacy by disabling more telemetry parts and changing GPOs, all through changing registry keys.Remove Bloatware UWP Apps that comes with Windows 10+, except from my choice.Remove some of the legacy system components called " capabilities", except the most popular ones.Disable heavy Services, but enable some on SSDs for optimum performance.Disable non-essential Telemetry from Scheduled Tasks and Optimize it.
#W10privacy 2 download#
#W10privacy 2 upgrade#
Register daily upgrade logs on C:\Users\>\AppData\Local\Temp\Win-DT-Logs and remove old log files.Find the Scheduled Task on Task Scheduler > Microsoft > Windows > PowerShell > ScheduledJobs > Chocolatey/Winget Daily Upgrade.Creates a new Scheduled Task to daily upgrade all available softwares via Winget at 12:00 and Chocolatey at 13:00.
#W10privacy 2 install#

☑️ Common Script Features Click to expand

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser -Force ls -Recurse *.ps * 1 | Unblock-File.