Than I un-checked the 'Debug executable'. At the Info tab, I changed ' Exexutable' on ' other' choosing python38, which I made it newly by opening the Terminal on the '~ bin' folder which I mentioned on Build Tool, and typing on Terminalīy the procedure, I could choose python38 instead of python3, which was non-selectable with gray shade on it. I brought scheme edit page by ' Product-Scheme-Edit Scheme'. And created the file at the folder ' pythons'.

Click Next, save asįile.py, checked on 'Group: pythons, Targets: pythons'. I went to ' File-New-File' at the menu and found ' Empty' template at ' macOS-Other' category. Than I pressed Next, and create project folder on Desktop, checked on options: 'Source Control: Create Git repository on my Mac'. Which is the address of Python3 I found by typing ' which python3' on Terminal. Library/Frameworks/amework/Versions/3.8/bin/python3 Add product name ' pythons', and fill other blank below. Though they're bit outdated (mostly on 2016, 2017) but still the format was similar, so I decided to follow them step by step.įirst, open the Xcode and create the new Project. I first type on google Xcode, Python and read some posts about bringing Python on the Xcode.

I'm new to Xcode and other programming stuff, please forgive me on being clumsy ) I have been fighting with the problem almost couple of days, and I finally concluded I must get help from the masters. I have some trouble while on connecting latest Python 3.8 on the Xcode 11.